At Simply Well Chiropractic we understand that thoughts, traumas, and toxins affect the nervous system. Our book club is structured to address ways that we can regulate our nervous system on our journey to becoming exactly who we are meant to be. Join us on the fourthTuesday of each month from 7-8 to discuss our book of the month. The Bookery in Cincinnati has each book available for purchase on their website. They can deliver the book to your home or ship it in store.

What You Need to Know About Book Club

At Simply Well Chiropractic, we understand that knowledge is power, and conversation is enlightening. We want to offer evidence-based perspective so that everyone is able to take care of their body so that they can reach their full potential. Hosting book club gives us a chance to connect with the community and provide new ways of seeing the world.

We will have chairs and snacks! Please let us know if you have any allergies ahead of time. Otherwise, everything will be provided!

That is ok. Come as you are and whenever you can!

That’s ok, too. We try to break the books down into manageable pieces, but if you can’t get through the book, please feel free to come, and join the discussion.

We believe in shopping small. Each book is available through the Bookery’s website. Just type in the title, and they can ship it to your house or to the store (it’s a cute little place, so you’ll want to check it out!)