Better Healthcare in Cincinnati: Why You Should Consider Chiropractic

Amid growing dissatisfaction with U.S. healthcare, Americans are seeking alternatives. People want affordable, accessible healthcare that treats them with compassion and addresses their overall well-being. Chiropractic care, with its holistic approach to health, presents a promising solution to these growing concerns. By focusing on the body’s natural ability to heal and maintain itself, chiropractic care addresses many of the shortcomings of traditional healthcare, offering a path to wellness that is both effective and aligns with the values of patient-centered care. For decades, many Americans have found satisfaction with chiropractic care in addressing a wide array of health concerns—from chronic pain relief and improved mobility to enhanced overall well-being and preventative health measures. At Simply Well Chiropractic, we are redefining healthcare in Cincinnati, providing patients with an innovative and compassionate approach to wellness.

The Story of Growing Dissatisfaction in healthcare

The American healthcare system is facing a crisis of confidence, reflected in the growing dissatisfaction among its users. The healthcare system suffers from high costs, limited accessibility, and confusing logistics. These issues leave a staggering 70% of Americans feeling the system fails to meet their needs. American dissatisfaction with healthcare isn’t just anecdotal. Hard data exposes systemic challenges and inefficiencies within the U.S. healthcare system, fueling this discontent.

Key Statistics Highlighting Dissatisfaction:

  • 70% of U.S. adults feel let down by the healthcare system in at least one way.
  • Over half of the survey respondents rated the U.S. healthcare system a “C” or below.
  • High Costs: 26% of respondents listed high costs as a primary complaint.
  • Long Wait Times: 31% reported delays in getting appointments as a significant issue.
  • Lack of Preventive Care: 19% noted a subpar focus on preventive care and wellness.

The consequences of this dissatisfaction are far-reaching, affecting patient satisfaction and overall health outcomes. The fear of high medical costs discourages many from seeking necessary care. As a result, a staggering 44% of people have skipped or delayed essential healthcare in the past two years. This worsens individual health and burdens the healthcare system long-term.

Moreover, the dissatisfaction stems from a healthcare model that seems more invested in profit margins than in patient welfare. The healthcare system’s emphasis on immediate treatment, rather than preventive care, creates obstacles for patients. Compounding this issue, the maze of insurance coverage further hinders access to necessary care. This system, where the financial burden often falls heavily on the patient, can lead to significant health disparities and inequality.

Impact on Life

In America, people usually seek medical care when something is wrong. Only about 1 in 5 Americans go to get their annual physical. Insurance limitations make it difficult for some Americans to even find a primary care physician. Others, worried about costs, avoid essential preventative care.

Impacts on Individuals and Public Health:

  • Financial Concerns: 40% of those who delayed or avoided medical care cited cost as the primary reason. This not only underscores the financial burden of healthcare but also indicates a broader issue of accessibility.
  • Logistical Challenges: 30% were unable to take time away from work, family, or other obligations
  • Underutilization of Healthcare Services: Over a fifth of the surveyed population does not engage with healthcare providers regularly

Naturally, the prevention of chronic diseases plays a crucial role in decreasing healthcare expenses. Four of the top five killers in the US – heart disease, cancer, chronic lung disease, and stroke – are chronic conditions. These conditions can often be prevented or managed with consistent healthcare access.

Without prevention and early detection, the healthcare system buckles under the weight of chronic illness. Costly obstacles prevent people from seeking care, worsening public health outcomes. This leads to preventable diseases, hospitalizations, and a decline in overall health.

Chiropractic Care: Decades of Satisfaction in healthcare

Chiropractic care has consistently shown high levels of patient satisfaction over decades. Studies and surveys reveal the reasons behind patient satisfaction with chiropractic care. Patients appreciate chiropractors’ holistic, non-invasive approach and their focus on overall health and wellness.

Key Statistics on Chiropractic Care Satisfaction in healthcare:

  • 83% Satisfaction Rate: A national household survey revealed that 83% of chiropractic users are satisfied or very satisfied with the care they receive. 
  • High Patient Approval: A detailed report showed that 85% of patients felt their chiropractor always listened carefully.
  • 85.3% said their chiropractor explained things understandably.
  • 88.2% felt respected in their interactions.

By focusing on the entire well-being of individuals, chiropractic care offers a compelling alternative to traditional medical treatments.

Factors Contributing to Satisfaction:

  • Effective Communication: Chiropractors are recognized for their ability to communicate effectively, ensuring patients understand their condition and treatment plan.
  • Patient-Centered Approaches: The emphasis on patient wellness, rather than solely on symptom treatment, aligns with individuals’ desires for holistic care.
  • Overall Health Focus: Chiropractors’ concern for patients’ overall health and their use of non-invasive treatment methods cater to the growing preference for natural and preventive healthcare solutions.

chiropractic care Filling the Medical Care Gap

Chiropractic care fills gaps in traditional healthcare, offering preventive options, non-invasive treatments, and affordability. It goes beyond pain relief, promoting overall well-being, aligning with the shift towards holistic, patient-centered care. This approach resonates with the growing demand for a more comprehensive healthcare experience.

Addressing the Gaps:

  • Preventive Care: Traditional medical care often focuses on treating symptoms rather than preventing disease. Chiropractic care, however, emphasizes early detection and prevention of musculoskeletal issues, which can prevent the progression to more serious conditions.
  • Non-Invasive Treatments: In contrast to the often invasive, medication-reliant approaches of conventional medicine, chiropractic care offers non-invasive treatment options. This aligns with the increasing patient preference for treatments that do not involve surgery or long-term reliance on pharmaceuticals.
  • Cost-Effectiveness: The high cost of medical treatments places a significant financial burden on patients. Chiropractic care, by focusing on prevention and non-invasive treatments, can lead to lower overall healthcare costs by reducing the need for expensive medical interventions and hospital stays.

Promoting Health and Wellness Beyond Pain Relief:

Chiropractors play a crucial role in promoting health and wellness beyond just treating pain. They focus on the overall well-being of their patients, advocating for a holistic approach to health that includes proper nutrition, exercise, and lifestyle modifications. This broader focus on health and prevention can lead to improved long-term outcomes for patients, reducing the need for more extensive medical care and supporting a more sustainable healthcare system.

Economic Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The economic benefits of chiropractic care are significant, presenting a compelling argument for its integration into broader healthcare strategies focused on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. Through a combination of preventive care, non-invasive treatments, and a holistic approach to health, chiropractic services not only offer direct benefits to patients but also contribute to the overall sustainability of healthcare systems. 

Key Points on Economic Benefits:

  • Reduced Hospital Admissions and Surgeries: A landmark 7-year study published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapy highlighted the profound economic impact of chiropractic care. Patients who chose chiropractors as their primary physicians experienced:
    •  60% fewer hospital admissions, 
    • 59% fewer hospital days, and 
    • 62% fewer outpatient surgeries and procedures compared to those who did not use chiropractic care.
  • Preventive Care Efficiency: Chiropractic care emphasizes early intervention and preventive treatments, addressing health issues before they require more invasive and costly medical interventions. This preventive approach not only promotes better long-term health outcomes but also significantly reduces healthcare spending.
  • Holistic Health Benefits: Chiropractic care focuses on overall wellness, reducing the need for pharmaceuticals. This not only contributes to individual health improvements but also lowers the overall cost burden associated with prescription medications.
  • Enhanced Patient Satisfaction and Outcomes: The high levels of patient satisfaction associated with chiropractic care translate into better health outcomes and more efficient use of healthcare resources. Satisfied patients embrace prevention, reducing their need for expensive healthcare.

Patient Testimonials at Simply Well Chiropractic

Patients grappling with persistent discomfort, feeling neglected by traditional medical approaches, and yearning for a more holistic and understanding healthcare experience find themselves at a crossroads. Frustrated with impersonal healthcare, patients with chronic conditions seek compassion.

At Simply Well Chiropractic, we have witnessed how the simple act of listening to and believing patients has helped them realize effective healthcare in Cincinnati. Through the skilled hands of Dr. Faith, those who once suffered in silence find themselves rejuvenated, embodying a newfound zest for life and an improved physical state that seemed elusive before.

Here are some of the experiences our patients have had: 

  • We See You: “She’s the only doctor who looks at me as a whole person, not just a joint.” 
  • You Belong Here: “They are so kind, friendly & treat me like a member of the family. Dr. Faith always makes me feel better. She listens to my issues & has adjusted me in ways I’ve never experienced before in over 20 years of being a patient. She is the future of chiropractic care!” 
  • We Empower You: “I suffered with a bad back forever. After finding Simply Well I’m not only feeling better but also know how to better care for it.” 
  • We Provide Care for All Family Members: “Dr. Faith does an amazing job at adjusting our entire family. She provides amazing whole body physical and mental support.” 

As we navigate through the complexities of modern healthcare, the stories of those who have found solace and healing at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati underscore a universal truth: the profound need for a healthcare model that genuinely prioritizes patient needs, focuses on preventive care, and champions cost-effectiveness. 

Find the Healthcare in Cincinnati You Deserve at Simply Well Chiropractic

Through the personalized attention, comprehensive treatment approaches, and the focus on preventive measures, chiropractic care offers a blueprint for a healthcare system that aligns with the needs and values of patients and families alike. If you struggle to find effective, compassionate, and affordable healthcare in Cincinnati, consider chiropractic care at Simply Well Chiropractic. In doing so, you join a community of individuals who have experienced the transformative power of a healthcare approach that views each patient as a whole person, not just a symptom to be treated.

At Simply Well Chiropractic, we are more than just practitioners; we are partners in your journey to wellness, advocates for your health, and believers in your body’s inherent capacity for healing and growth. Together, we can forge a future where healthcare in Cincinnati is tailored to the individual, where health is nurtured from the ground up, and where the financial burden does not impede access to necessary treatment.


Ducharme, J. (2023, March 6). Exclusive: More than 70% of Americans feel failed by the health care system. TIME.

Galanter, M., Salganicoff, A., Dawson, L., & Karpman, M. (2023, January 25). Women’s experiences with provider communication and interactions in health care settings: Findings from the 2022 KFF women’s health survey. KFF.

Gaumer G. Factors associated with patient satisfaction with chiropractic care: survey and review of the literature. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2006 Jul-Aug;29(6):455-62. doi: 10.1016/j.jmpt.2006.06.013. PMID: 16904491.

Shmerling, R. H. (2021, July 13). Is our healthcare system broken? Harvard Health Publishing.

Rupert, R., Manello, D., Sandefur, R., & Rand, N. (2016). Patient satisfaction with the chiropractic clinical encounter: Report from a practice-based research program. ResearchGate.

Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapy, May 2007; 30(4): 263-268, Richard L, Sranat, MD,  James Winterstein, DC, and Jerrilyn A Cambron, DC, PhD

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