

Women who receive prenatal chiropractic care in Cincinnati have 25% to 31% shorter labor times.

Prenatal Care in Cincinnati: A Holistic Approach to Maternal Health

Pregnancy is a beautiful and transformative journey that brings joy, anticipation, and sometimes discomfort. At Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati, we specialize in providing comprehensive prenatal and postnatal chiropractic care to support mothers through every stage of this remarkable experience. Our commitment to your well-being extends from pregnancy through postpartum and even to newborns, ensuring a healthy start for both mother and baby.

Nurturing Maternal Wellness with Prenatal Chiropractic Care

Your Partner in Prenatal Health

Pregnancy is a time of incredible change, not just physically but emotionally and mentally as well. It’s essential to have a supportive healthcare partner by your side. Prenatal chiropractic care is a holistic approach that focuses on the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Understanding the Webster Technique

At Simply Well Chiropractic, we proudly offer the Webster Technique, a specialized chiropractic adjustment that targets the pelvic area. This technique is designed to optimize pelvic alignment and nerve system function. Proper pelvic alignment is crucial during pregnancy, as it allows for better uterine function and proper positioning of the baby. The Webster Technique has been known to help ease common discomforts during pregnancy and potentially facilitate an easier, safer birth.

Benefits of Chiropractic care during pregnancy

Pain Relief and Comfort

Pregnancy can bring about a range of discomforts, including back pain, sciatica, and hip pain. Prenatal chiropractic adjustments are a safe and effective way to alleviate these discomforts, providing much-needed relief for expectant mothers.

Improved Pelvic Alignment

The Webster Technique, offered at Simply Well Chiropractic, is renowned for its ability to enhance pelvic alignment. When the pelvis is properly aligned, it can promote optimal positioning of the baby in the womb, potentially reducing the risk of complications during labor and delivery.

Stress Reduction and Emotional Well-Being

Chiropractic care is not only physical but also mental. It can help reduce stress and anxiety, promoting emotional well-being during pregnancy. The gentle adjustments can release tension and allow you to relax more fully into the journey of motherhood.

For the Mother

  • Maintaining a healthier pregnancy
  • Controlling symptoms of nausea
  • Reducing the time of labor and delivery
  • Relieving back, neck or joint pain
  • Preventing a potential cesarean delivery
  • Faster recovery time

For the baby

  • Helps babies to move more freely into the right pre-birth position.
  • With less obstacles during labor, the baby may have an easier time traveling down the birth canal. 
  • Optimize the room baby has to grow in the womb.
A couple holding a newborn baby after postpartum care in Cincinnati

Postnatal Chiropractic Care

Recovery and Wellness After Birth

After the beautiful experience of childbirth comes the postnatal phase, often known as the “fourth trimester.” This period is all about recovery and adjustment. Your body, while incredibly resilient, may still need support as it heals from the birthing process.

Newborn Chiropractic Care: A Gentle Start to Life

Chiropractic care is not just for adults or expectant mothers; it’s also beneficial for newborns. Birth can be a traumatic experience for infants, and even a gentle, natural birth can exert pressure on a baby’s delicate spine and nervous system. Our gentle, safe chiropractic adjustments for newborns aim to ensure that your baby’s nervous system functions optimally from the start.

Postpartum Chiropractic Care: Supporting Your Recovery

Spinal Alignment and Healing

After childbirth, your spine may require realignment. Chiropractic care can help restore spinal health, ensuring that your nervous system functions optimally and supports your overall recovery.

Addressing Postpartum Discomfort

Postpartum discomfort is common, and chiropractic adjustments can provide relief. Whether you’re dealing with residual back pain or discomfort from the birthing process, our postnatal care can help you recover more comfortably.

Hormonal Balance and Well-Being

Chiropractic care has been associated with improved hormonal balance. This is particularly relevant for new mothers as they experience significant hormonal shifts. A balanced hormonal system can aid in postpartum recovery and emotional well-being.

Enhanced Posture and Body Mechanics

During pregnancy, your body undergoes significant changes to accommodate your growing baby. These changes can sometimes lead to altered posture and body mechanics. Postpartum chiropractic care focuses on restoring your body’s alignment, helping you regain proper posture and body mechanics. This can alleviate strain on your muscles and joints and promote faster recovery.

Newborn Chiropractic Care: A Gentle Start to Life

Gentle and Safe Adjustments

Our chiropractors are trained to provide gentle, safe adjustments for newborns. These adjustments are incredibly subtle and designed to ensure that your baby’s spine and nervous system are functioning optimally.

Colic, Reflux, and Sleep Issues
Newborns often experience common issues like colic, reflux, and sleep disturbances. Chiropractic care for infants has been shown to alleviate these problems, helping your baby rest more peacefully and comfortably.

A Healthy Beginning

Chiropractic care for newborns sets the stage for a healthy life. By ensuring that your baby’s nervous system is free from interference, you’re providing them with a strong foundation for growth, development, and overall well-being.

It’s never too late to get started

We’d love to hear from you! Please fill out the form below and include as much details as you can about how we can help.

Simply Well Chiropractic
5721 Dragon Way # 101, Cincinnati, OH 45227
(513) 271-1233