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Does Chiropractic treat ear infections?

Is your child fussy, tugging and pulling at their ears, and having trouble sleeping? Do they have a fever? Do they have trouble hearing or responding to quiet sounds? Are they clumsy or have trouble with balance? Is fluid draining from their ear? All of these symptoms could be a sign that your child has an ear infection. 

What is an ear infection?

An ear infection is an inflammation of the air-filled area beneath the eardrum, where the tiny vibrating bones of the ear are located. Over 80 percent of children experience at least one ear infection by the time they reach the age of three, according to the National Institutes of Health. Actually, it’s the number one ailment that leads parents to take their child to the doctor.

What causes them?

Ear infections happen more often to children than adults because their Eustachian tubes have not fully developed and lie flatter than in any other category of people.  Mucus forms a blockage and causes the tubes to swell as a result.

When the fluid, containing bacteria or viruses, becomes trapped in the ear, they multiply and develop into an infection. Often, these germs originate from other illnesses that result in inflammation and congestion in the nasal passages and throat.

Additionally, a child’s immune system is not as developed as an adult’s, so the child’s body cannot fight the infection as effectively.

Chiropractic can help

But chiropractic care is proven to both boost the immune system and help with ear infections.

Chiropractic care can help decrease ear infections by improving drainage in the ears.

When it comes to children, adjustments during chiropractic care are usually gentler, involving less forceful popping or dynamic cracking movements. Moreover, children typically have lower muscle tension, which enables their bodies to respond more rapidly to chiropractic treatments compared to adults. Dr. Faith can also provide adjustments aimed at reducing persistent fluid buildup and alleviating ear pain experienced during childhood.

According to a National Library of Medicine study, 93% of a group of 46 kids with ear infections noticed an improvement in their symptoms after receiving chiropractic care. Forty-three percent of the patients noticed improvements after one or two adjustments, and 75-percent saw improvements within 10 days. 

Oftentimes, we think about our internal systems individually when, in fact, they are all working together for the greater good. Your child’s nervous system is also linked to its endocrine and immune systems. Chiropractic adjustments increase the amount of phagocytes in the body, an immune cell capable of engulfing and absorbing bacteria and other small cells.

As phagocytes circulate and migrate through tissues, they ingest and destroy both microbes and cellular debris. These immune cells play a critical role in fighting off infection in both the early and late stages. 

If you are in the Cincinnati area and are ready to give your child a holistic approach to healthcare, give Simply Well Chiropractic a call at (513) 271-1233 or visit simplywellchiro.com to schedule an appointment. 

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