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Expert Chiropractic Care for Whiplash in Cincinnati

Navigating the Roads of Cincinnati: Beware of Whiplash!

Every time we embark on a journey by car—whether to work, school, or a leisurely vacation—we expect to reach our destination safely. Regrettably, over 60,000 Cincinnati commuters face the unexpected ordeal of car accidents each year.

Whiplash: The Silent Aftermath of Accidents

Alarmingly, half of these accident victims grapple with neck injuries, with whiplash being a predominant concern. A startling revelation is that nearly 50% of all persistent neck pain in the US stems primarily from seemingly benign low-speed rear-end collisions.

Dr. Faith, our esteemed chiropractor in Cincinnati, holds a wealth of experience in comprehending the muscular and soft-tissue trauma synonymous with vehicular accidents. Given the sudden jolt of impacts like car mishaps, falls, or forceful tackles, injuries such as whiplash necessitate swift and precise care.

The aftermath of whiplash isn’t subtle. Victims commonly endure:

  • Persistent neck pain and stiffness
  •  Pains radiating to shoulders, arms, or hands
  •  Numb sensations in the arm or hand
  •  Debilitating headaches and dizziness
  •  Vertigo and ringing sensations in the ears
  •  Challenges with concentration and memory lapses

Beyond the evident muscular distress, intriguing research suggests that whiplash might also compromise brain functionality. When subjected to a whiplash motion, the brain’s jarring against the skull’s inner confines can induce injuries, both at the impact site (coup) and the rebound location (contrecoup). This violent motion might strain the brain’s intricate elements, such as nerves and blood vessels, potentially leading to cognitive and behavioral discrepancies. However, it’s crucial to note that while many suffer from whiplash, not everyone will endure a brain injury, and the gravity of brain-related symptoms can differ vastly.

Expert Whiplash Care in Cincinnati

Dr. Faith at Simply Well Chiropractic is ready to assist anyone with whiplash in Cincinnati. Her holistic chiropractic regimen for whiplash integrates spinal adjustments, focused soft tissue therapy, and rehabilitative drills. Dedicated to restoring your neck’s prime condition, Dr. Faith meticulously examines and treats the affected area’s intricate interplay of muscles, tendons, and bones.

With the prime objective of realigning your spine, reducing inflammation, and ameliorating pain, Dr. Faith’s post-accident care aims to rejuvenate your neck and overall spinal well-being. Chiropractic care with Dr. Faith accelerates your healing trajectory, reinforces your neck, refines your posture, and boosts your resilience against impending injuries.

Dr. Faith is a chiropractor in Cincinnati at Simply Well Chiropractic near Fairfax and Mariemont. Her office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:30 to 12:30 and 3 to 6. Call (513) 271-1233 or visit simplywellchiro.com to schedule an appointment. 

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