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The Role of Chiropractic Care for breastfeeding Mother and Baby

Challenges in Early Breastfeeding

While the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeeding for a newborn’s first six months, many mothers encounter challenges such as insufficient milk supply, slow milk letdown, nipple soreness, or latching difficulties. In addition to seeking support from healthcare professionals, considering chiropractic care and implementing certain lifestyle choices can enhance the breastfeeding journey for both mother and baby.

The Impact of Birth on Breastfeeding

Until recently, most breastfeeding adjustments have focused on the mother’s production rather than the infant’s suckling capacity. Birth is a traumatic experience that can impact feeding, bonding, and emotional health. 

A baby’s skull, comprised of 22 bones with 34 joints, 60 muscles, and six cranial nerves, controls the systems necessary for feeding. Misalignments (or subluxations) and tension in the upper neck, jaw, and skull can prevent the baby from being able to turn its neck to feed correctly. 

Recognizing Signs of Breastfeeding Difficulties

Here are the most common things to look for when determining if your infant is experiencing breastfeeding difficulties:

  • Inability to maintain a firm latch, resulting in smacking sounds or frequent unlatching.
  •  Babies who struggle to sustain sucking.
  •  Difficulties in latching on one side.
  •  Babies who can only nurse in one position.
  •  Nipple pain or scabbing.
  •  Babies who find comfort in constant sucking.
  •  Increased regurgitation after feeding.

The Role of Chiropractic Care in Enhancing Breastfeeding

Trained in infant care, Dr. Faith can use gentle palpation and adjustments to correct misalignments in the baby. She might also assess and work babies’ jaws with gentle, light-touch adjustments by working on it from inside the mouth using a glove. This will help those jaw muscles release so the baby can open wide, gain more mobility, and get a good latch.

Chiropractic care can even help mothers struggling to produce an adequate breastmilk supply. Please remember that it’s okay to supplement with formula. Many families choose this combination feeding method, whether out of necessity (e.g., low breast milk supply), convenience, or simply personal choice.

The spine plays a crucial role in the functioning of the nervous system, including the breasts. Misalignments in the spine can lead to interference in nerve communication, potentially impacting milk letdown and breastfeeding. Spinal adjustments have improved milk production, infant weight gain, and maternal comfort. Chiropractic adjustments, mainly focusing on the midback, can help align the spine and remove interference, improving the nervous system’s ability to regulate milk production.

Alleviating Physical Strains of Nursing

A lot of nursing mothers also experience neck and back pain. The positions required to hold and feed your baby can significantly strain those areas. Chiropractic care aims to support the body during these stages by correcting misalignments and alleviating pain while promoting muscle relaxation.

Personalized Care for Each Breastfeeding Journey

Dr. Faith knows that every mother and baby’s breastfeeding journey is unique, and seeking appropriate support is essential. With chiropractic care as a complementary approach, addressing both the mother’s and infant’s needs can lead to a more comfortable and successful breastfeeding experience.

Seeking Chiropractic Support for Breastfeeding

To find help with breastfeeding in Cincinnati, call Simply Well Chiropractic at (513) 271-1233 or visit simplywellchiro.com to schedule an appointment.

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