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Unlock Holistic Health for Your Child with Pediatric Chiropractic Care at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati

As parents, we want the absolute best for our children. We want them to be happy, healthy, and thriving at every challenge. But sometimes, our kids encounter health-related obstacles that traditional medicine doesn’t seem to fully address. If your a parent seeking a holistic and preventive strategy to enhance your child’s well-being, consider pediatric chiropractic care at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati.

Dr. Faith Swartzendruber understands that your child’s health is precious. That’s why we offer gentle, personalized pediatric chiropractic care to help kids overcome challenges and reach their full potential.

What is Pediatric Chiropractic Care?

Pediatric chiropractors focus on the health of your child’s spine and nervous system.  The nervous system acts as the body’s master control center. Meanwhile, the spine safeguards it and facilitates the crucial communication between the brain and the rest of the body. With proper spinal alignment and a smoothly operating nervous system, the body possesses an extraordinary capacity to function as intended.

Pediatric chiropractors are specially trained to work with children. Their adjustments are very gentle and designed for a child’s developing body.

Understanding Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins

Did you know that everyday irritants can affect your child’s developing body?   In chiropractic philosophy, we look for the 3 T’s: Thoughts, Traumas, and Toxins. These stressors represent a comprehensive framework for understanding the multifaceted influences on children’s health and the development of subluxations. By addressing these areas through pediatric chiropractic care, Dr. Faith at Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati supports children in achieving improved health outcomes and a foundation for lifelong wellness.


Thoughts encompass the mental and emotional stresses that children encounter in their daily lives. Children face a multitude of stressors, ranging from academic performance pressures and social interactions to the emotional strain of family dynamics. These experiences can physically manifest within their bodies.

Stressful thoughts trigger a cascade of chemical reactions in the brain, influencing the nervous system and potentially leading to subluxations—misalignments of the spine that disrupt neurological function. For example, anxiety stemming from school stress may result in increased muscle tension and changes in spinal alignment. This, in turn, can adversely affect a child’s overall health and wellness.

Pediatric chiropractic care aims to ease these impacts by targeting the physical symptoms of stress and fostering a balanced nervous system. This approach helps children more effectively manage their emotional experiences.


Traumas encompass the various physical injuries and strains children may encounter, ranging from the birthing process to daily mishaps and sports-related injuries. These events can cause immediate and noticeable impacts on a child’s spinal alignment and nervous system function. Birth trauma, like delivery complications, can cause lasting subluxations without proper intervention.
Similarily falls and sports injuries during key growth phases can cause misalignments, affecting the nervous system’s function.

Pediatric chiropractic care is vital in pinpointing and rectifying such traumas, enabling a healing process for optimal spine and nervous system function. This, in turn, bolsters the child’s overall health and developmental progress.


Toxins in the environment and diet represent the third category of stressors affecting children’s health. Environmental and dietary toxins, from air pollutants to food additives, are key stressors impacting children’s health.

These substances can have profound effects on a child’s developing body and nervous system, contributing to subluxations by altering the biochemical balance within the body. Certain food additives can cause inflammation, negatively impacting spinal health and nervous system function.

Pediatric chiropractic care enhances the body’s natural detoxification and adaptation to environmental and dietary challenges. This boosts resilience and minimizes subluxations and related health issues.

The reality is that our body processes thoughts, traumas and toxins every day. We can’t avoid them. These stressors can interfere with the nervous system and contribute to issues you may be seeing in your child.

Signs Your Child May Benefit from Pediatric Chiropractic Care

Pain Manifestations

Children, especially very young ones, may not always have the words to express when they’re in pain or discomfort. If your child frequently show discomfort signs, like rubbing their neck or back, maintaining a stiff posture, or reacting painfully to normal activities, it may signal an underlying problem. Pediatric chiropractic care is designed to tackle such issues. Physical discomfort often originates from sources like spinal misalignments, which, while not always visible, can greatly impact a child’s well-being. Addressing these early can enhance your child’s health and comfort.

Challenges with Sleep

A child struggling to sleep well consistently, either having trouble falling asleep or waking up several times during the night, may be experiencing physical discomfort that a chiropractic adjustment can alleviate. A well-aligned spine supports better nervous system function, which can lead to more restful, uninterrupted sleep. Enhancing sleep quality not only improves a child’s mood and energy levels but also supports overall health and development.

Digestive Discomfort

Digestive issues, such as recurrent constipation, unexplained bloating, and gas, can sometimes be linked to nervous system disturbances caused by spinal misalignments. Pediatric chiropractic care boosts nervous system function, enhancing digestion and easing common gastrointestinal discomforts.

Developmental Concerns

If your child shows signs of developmental delays, such as late milestones in walking, talking, or other motor skills, it might be a cue that their body requires additional support. Chiropractic care aims to ensure the spine’s correct alignment. Proper spinal alignment optimizes nerve energy flow across the body. This can help your child achieve developmental milestones. It supports natural growth processes, too.

Mobility and Coordination Difficulties

Noticeable challenges with balance, coordination, or general mobility are significant indicators that your child could benefit from chiropractic care. These issues often stem from restrictions in joint mobility or misalignments that impact how the body moves and functions. Chiropractic adjustments can enhance joint mobility, improve coordination, and support more fluid movement, making them particularly beneficial for children involved in sports or physical activities.

Frequent Ear Infections

Persistent ear infections might be linked to misalignments affecting fluid drainage in the ear, which chiropractic care can address.

Colic or Digestive Issues

Discomfort leading to colic symptoms or ongoing digestive problems can often be improved with gentle chiropractic adjustments, promoting better digestive function.

Difficulty Focusing

Issues with concentration and focus may have roots in physical discomfort or nervous system disturbances that chiropractic care can help to alleviate.

Asthma or Allergies

Chiropractic adjustments can support better respiratory function and immune response, potentially reducing the severity of asthma and allergy symptoms.

Experiencing Growing Pains

As children grow, they may experience pains in their limbs or joints. Chiropractic care can help manage these discomforts, supporting smoother developmental transitions.

Sports Injuries

Active children or those participating in sports might encounter injuries that can be effectively managed and healed with chiropractic care, ensuring they return to their activities with improved function and reduced risk of re-injury.

How Pediatric Chiropractic Can Help

Pediatric chiropractic focuses on finding and gently correcting misalignments in the spine (called subluxations). This takes pressure off the nervous system and gives your child’s body the best chance to:

Boost Immunity

By improving the nervous system function, pediatric chiropractic care can help enhance the body’s natural defense mechanisms. This enables children to fight off common colds, infections, and even reduce the severity and frequency of illness, ensuring they can enjoy more healthy days.

Improve Sleep

Chiropractic adjustments can support the regulation of sleep hormones and alleviate discomforts that may interfere with sleep. This leads to better rest, helping children wake up feeling more refreshed and maintaining energy throughout the day.

Enhance Focus

Addressing spinal misalignments can improve nervous system function, which in turn can alleviate some symptoms associated with ADHD and sensory processing disorders. Improved neural efficiency can enhance a child’s ability to concentrate, learn, and perform tasks with increased attention and less hyperactivity.

Aid Digestion

Gentle chiropractic adjustments can help to relieve stress on certain nerves that influence gut function. This can lead to improved digestion, easing symptoms of constipation, reducing episodes of tummy troubles, and promoting a healthier gut environment.

Ease Growing Pains

As children grow, their bodies undergo numerous changes that can sometimes cause discomfort or pain. Chiropractic care provides support through these developmental stages, helping to manage or alleviate growing pains and ensuring that musculoskeletal development progresses smoothly.

Improve Posture

With the increase in screen time and sedentary lifestyles, children are at risk of developing poor posture, which can lead to long-term spinal issues. Chiropractic care can correct and prevent posture problems, promoting a healthier spine and musculoskeletal system.

Enhance Athletic Performance

For active children and adolescents involved in sports, chiropractic care can improve flexibility, range of motion, and overall athletic performance. It can also reduce the risk of injuries by ensuring that the body’s musculoskeletal system is properly aligned and functioning.

Support Respiratory Health

By optimizing nerve function, pediatric chiropractic adjustments can support better respiratory function. This can be particularly beneficial for children who suffer from conditions like asthma, as it may help to reduce the frequency and severity of asthma attacks.

Promote Emotional Well-being

Chiropractic care takes a holistic approach to health, recognizing the connection between physical health and emotional well-being. By reducing physical discomfort and enhancing overall body function, chiropractic care can contribute to a more positive mood and emotional state.

Strengthen Brain-Body Connection

Chiropractic adjustments improve spinal health and nerve communication throughout the body, reinforcing the brain-body connection. This enhanced communication can lead to better coordination, motor function, and overall neurological health.

By integrating pediatric chiropractic care into their children’s healthcare regimen, parents can provide their children with a foundation for optimal health and well-being that supports their growth and development in a holistic and nurturing way.

Is Pediatric Chiropractic care Safe?

When it comes to the health and well-being of our children, safety is the paramount concern for parents considering any form of healthcare treatment. Pediatric chiropractic care, a specialized field focused on the care of infants, toddlers, and adolescents, prioritizes this concern above all. Chiropractors who specialize in pediatrics undergo extensive training, not only in chiropractic care but also in the specific needs and conditions of children. This ensures they are well-equipped to provide the most gentle and effective care possible.

Choosing Simply Well Chiropractic

We know it’s a big decision to trust someone with your child’s care.  At Simply Well Chiropractic, we’re committed to:

  • Expertise: Dr. Faith is trained in caring for children of all ages.
  • Compassion: We create a warm, welcoming space where your child feels safe.
  • Partnership: We work with YOU to create a plan that’s right for your child’s unique needs.

If you’re ready to explore a more natural approach to your child’s health, call Simply Well Chiropractic in Cincinnati today. We’re here to answer your questions and help you decide if pediatric chiropractic care is right for your family.

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