
Unlocking Inner Peace: How ThetaHealing Addresses Emotional Trauma Stored in the Body

Most people think of pain as a result of a traumatic event or even moving the wrong way. But chiropractic philosophy recognizes that pain can also be the result of emotional trauma stored within the body. Emotional trauma is not physically stored in the muscles or bones; rather, the urge to protect oneself from perceived threats is embedded in the brain’s memory and emotional centers, such as the hippocampus and amygdala. Until that emotional trauma is processed, the body will continue to recall it. Processing emotional trauma is not something Dr. Faith at Simply Well Chiropractic shies away from. Since being in Cincinnati, she has relied on Tammy Waldron and ThetaHealing to release some of those stored emotional traumas. 

What is ThetaHealing?

ThetaHealing is a powerful and transformative healing technique developed by Vianna Stibal in 1995. ThetaHealing combines the principles of energy healing and guided meditation to achieve profound physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

At the core of ThetaHealing is the ability to enter the theta brainwave state and connect with the universal life force energy, often referred to as the “Creator” or “Source.” The theta state is a deeply relaxed brainwave frequency (approximately 4-7 Hz) that we naturally experience during the moments just before sleep and just after waking. This state of consciousness is associated with deep meditation and heightened intuition, making it an ideal state for accessing the subconscious mind and facilitating healing.

The process of ThetaHealing involves guided meditation to help individuals achieve the theta brainwave state. In this state, practitioners and clients connect with the universal life force energy which allows for the identification and release of limiting beliefs, emotional traumas, and physical ailments, replacing them with positive and empowering beliefs and improved physical feelings.

A significant aspect of the theta state is its alignment with the Schumann Resonance, a frequency of 7.83 Hz that is often called the “heartbeat of the Earth.” This resonance, created by the electromagnetic waves in the Earth’s atmosphere, is believed to be crucial for the health and well-being of all living organisms. Studies have shown that being in the theta state, which is close to the Schumann Resonance, can promote healing and balance in the body.

ThetaHealing leverages this natural frequency to help individuals restore their physical, emotional, and spiritual health. By tapping into this state, practitioners can facilitate deep healing that addresses the root causes of their client’s issues, leading to lasting transformation and well-being.

Waldron’s Personal Journey to ThetaHealing

Tammy Waldron at Towanda Wellbeing offers ThetaHealing.

Tammy Waldron’s path to becoming an Advanced ThetaHealing teacher, practitioner, and holistic coach is deeply intertwined with her personal struggles and quest for self-acceptance. Adopted as an infant, Tammy grew up feeling a profound void despite the love and support of her adoptive family. This sense of being different and the unresolved feelings of abandonment led her on a lifelong journey of self-discovery and healing.

Throughout her life, Tammy explored various healing modalities, seeking answers to fill the emotional gap she felt inside. She delved into spiritual self-help, attended different churches, and experimented with numerous therapeutic practices. However, none of these approaches provided the lasting healing she sought. After a tumultuous period in her life, Tammy realized that she needed to turn inward to find the answers she was searching for.

“I had a massive trauma in my life that I was not able to talk about, and it led me down a path of looking outwardly to fill that void,” Waldron said. 

In 2014, Tammy’s journey took a pivotal turn when she discovered ThetaHealing. Attending a class on this relatively new healing modality, she experienced an immediate and profound connection. 

“It was like a huge yes,” she recalls. “This was what I was looking for. It could provide answers to my healing.” 

The guided meditation and connection to the universal life force energy offered by ThetaHealing resonated deeply with Tammy, leading to transformative changes in her life.

ThetaHealing helped Tammy heal the primal wound of her adoption, allowing her to connect with herself in ways she had never imagined. The practice enabled her to separate her true self from her emotions and traumas, fostering a sense of self-love and acceptance that she had long sought. Inspired by her personal transformation, Tammy decided to become a ThetaHealing practitioner and teacher, dedicating herself to sharing this powerful healing modality with others.

“When I stopped and looked at it and said, ‘Okay, let me look into this feeling and see what’s happening here,’ it immediately shrunk. It got manageable. I was able to just give it love, and just give it self-acceptance, self-forgiveness, self-love that I had never explored really before.

“It has healed that primal wound of adoption for me, and this has changed my life in ways that I can’t hardly even describe,” she said. 

Founding Towanda Well-Being in 2021, Tammy now guides individuals on their own journeys toward inner peace and self-empowerment. Her mission is to help others discover and anchor into their true selves, just as ThetaHealing has allowed her to do. Through her practice, Tammy continues to inspire and facilitate profound healing and growth in her clients, embodying the principles and transformative potential of ThetaHealing.

Guided Meditation to Reach the Theta State

The cornerstone of ThetaHealing is achieving the theta brainwave state, a deeply relaxed frequency of approximately 4-7 Hz. This state, which we naturally experience just before falling asleep and upon waking, is associated with deep meditation and heightened intuition. In a ThetaHealing session, clients spontaneously enter a theta state. By reaching this state, individuals can access their subconscious mind, where deep-seated beliefs and traumas are stored.

Muscle Testing to Identify Limiting Beliefs

Tammy employs a technique called muscle testing to identify limiting beliefs that may be affecting her clients’ well-being. Muscle testing involves asking the body yes-or-no questions and observing its physical responses. Clients stand with their eyes closed and say statements out loud; their bodies will naturally sway forward for a “yes” response and backward for a “no.” This process taps into the body’s subconscious wisdom, revealing hidden beliefs and emotional blocks that need to be addressed. Upon changing them through ThetaHealing, clients can witness the change through muscle testing. 

The Role of the “Creator” or Universal Life Force Energy

In ThetaHealing, the healing process is facilitated by connecting with the universal life force energy, often referred to as the “Creator.” This energy is believed to be the source of all healing and perfect love. During a session, Tammy asks the Creator to bring about the necessary changes and healing for her clients. This process, known as “witnessing,” involves observing the Creator’s healing work and ensuring the client feels safe and supported throughout.

Addressing Emotional and Physical Issues

ThetaHealing is highly effective in addressing both emotional and physical issues. By identifying and releasing limiting beliefs and traumas, clients can experience profound changes in their mental, emotional, and physical health. 

“ThetaHealing really efficiently releases those burdens, and you connect to yourself in ways that you never knew before,” Waldron said. “It’s just so beautiful and powerful.”

For example:

  • Emotional Healing: Clients may uncover and release deep-seated feelings of abandonment, unworthiness, or fear. By replacing these limiting beliefs with positive affirmations, they can experience greater self-love, confidence, and emotional resilience.
  • Physical Healing: ThetaHealing can also address physical ailments by uncovering the emotional or energetic roots of the issue. For instance, clients with chronic pain or illness may find relief as they release the underlying emotional trauma or stress contributing to their condition.

ThetaHealing offers a holistic approach to well-being, addressing the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. By tapping into the theta state and connecting with the Creator, Tammy helps her clients achieve lasting transformation and inner peace.

Emphasis on Self-Love and Inner Reflection

At the heart of Tammy’s practice is the belief that self-love is the foundation for all healing. Her own journey, marked by struggles with identity and acceptance, has taught her the vital role that self-love plays in achieving lasting well-being. Tammy encourages her clients to cultivate a deep sense of self-worth and compassion, guiding them to explore their inner selves and embrace their unique journeys. By fostering self-love, clients can better navigate their healing processes and develop a stronger connection to their true selves.

“This is, in my belief, this is our life’s work, to unpack all of our burdens so that we can be who we are, so that we can shine in the way we’re meant to shine in the world,” Waldron said.

Integrating ThetaHealing with Practical Coaching Techniques

While ThetaHealing addresses the subconscious mind and facilitates profound emotional and physical healing, Tammy understands the need for practical strategies to reinforce these changes throughout life. During her sessions, she combines ThetaHealing with coaching techniques that provide clients with actionable steps to support their healing journey. This holistic approach ensures that clients not only release old patterns but also adopt new, healthier behaviors.

Tammy might suggest practices such as keeping a gratitude journal, setting healthy boundaries, or engaging in regular self-care routines. These practical tools help clients integrate the insights and shifts gained during ThetaHealing sessions into their everyday lives, making the healing process more tangible and sustainable.

Practicing New Behaviors to Complement Energy Healing

Healing is an ongoing process that requires both inner work and external action. Tammy emphasizes the importance of practicing new behaviors to complement the energy healing achieved through ThetaHealing. For instance, if a client uncovers a pattern of people-pleasing and learns to release the associated limiting beliefs, Tammy encourages them to practice saying “no” and prioritizing their own needs.

This practice helps reinforce the energetic shifts and empowers clients to create lasting change in their lives. By integrating new behaviors, clients can break free from old patterns and establish healthier, more fulfilling ways of living.

Through her combined approach of ThetaHealing and practical coaching, Tammy Waldron provides her clients with the tools and support they need to achieve holistic well-being. Her emphasis on self-love, inner reflection, and actionable strategies ensures that clients not only heal from past traumas but also build a strong foundation for a healthier, more empowered future.

How to Get Started with ThetaHealing

If you’re ready to explore the transformative potential of ThetaHealing, Tammy Waldron offers a range of services designed to meet your unique needs. Whether you’re seeking personalized guidance or looking to learn how to heal yourself, Tammy provides the tools and support to help you on your journey to inner peace.

Overview of Tammy’s Services

One-on-One Sessions: Tammy offers individualized ThetaHealing sessions where she guides clients through the process of identifying and releasing limiting beliefs, emotional traumas, and physical ailments. During these sessions, Tammy helps the clients enter the theta brainwave state and employs muscle testing to uncover subconscious blocks. Each session is tailored to the client’s specific needs, providing a deeply personalized healing experience.

ThetaHealing Classes: For those interested in learning how to perform ThetaHealing themselves and other, Tammy offers comprehensive practitioner workshops. These workshops cover the fundamentals of ThetaHealing, including how to achieve the theta brainwave state, connect with the Creator, and use muscle testing to identify and change limiting beliefs. By the end of the course, participants will have the skills to perform ThetaHealing on themselves and others, empowering them to take control of their own healing journey.

“My goal is to empower people to heal themselves,” Waldron said. “It’s our birthright to connect to this universal energy.”

“People come in with these burdens and leave feeling better and lighter. They have a different perspective on their emotions and feelings and feel more connected to themselves.”

Free Monthly Healing Circles: Discover the power of ThetaHealing through guided meditation and foundational principles of self-love and self-healing. Each month, our sessions are tailored to meet the unique needs of our participants.   

How to Book a Session or Enroll in a Class

Getting started with ThetaHealing is simple. To book a one-on-one session or enroll in a ThetaHealing class, visit Tammy Waldron’s website, Towanda WellBeing. Here, you can find detailed information about the services offered, available dates and times, and pricing. The user-friendly booking system allows you to schedule appointments or sign up for classes at your convenience.

Explore ThetaHealing as a Path to Inner Peace

By addressing the root causes of emotional and physical issues, ThetaHealing helps you release what no longer serves you and embrace your true self. Whether you’re looking to heal from past traumas, break free from limiting beliefs, or simply enhance your overall well-being, ThetaHealing offers a powerful and holistic approach to achieving inner peace.

Take the first step towards a healthier, more fulfilling life by exploring the services offered at Towanda Well-Being. With Tammy’s guidance and support, you can unlock your potential, heal deeply, and live more authentically. Visit Towanda WellBeing today to begin your journey.